Dear all,
the system is EHP4+DBM7.0 , (A configuration is not perfect system),I want to know what is missing configuration, or a system bug? Thank you!
When i create a vehicle master data, the system show the abap error :
Short text
No access possible via the 'NULL' data reference
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "/DBM/CL_VEH_IOBJECT_VEHICLE===CP" had to be
terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
Error analysis
There was an attempt to access a data object via a 'NULL' data
reference (points to 'nothing').
A data reference must point to data object before it can be used to
access the referenced data object.
The reference was either never set or it was set to 'NULL' using the
CLEAR statement.
Trigger Location of Runtime Error
Row 71
68 *Convert the DBM API's multi-line extension data to
69 *an iObject format
70 ls_product-com_product-logsys = get_logsys( ).
>>>>> ls_product-com_product-product_guid = lr_iobj_single_com->/dbm/v_vehicle-iobjguid.
73 CALL METHOD iobj_ext_multi_e2i
The system package level as :
SAP_BASIS | 701 | 0003 | SAPKB70103 |
SAP_ABA | 701 | 0003 | SAPKA70103 |
PI_BASIS | 701 | 0003 | SAPK-70103INPIBASIS |
ST-PI | 2005_1_700 | 0006 | SAPKITLQI6 |
SAP_BS_FND | 701 | 0002 | SAPK-70102INSAPBSFND |
SAP_BW | 701 | 0003 | SAPKW70103 |
SAP_AP | 700 | 0015 | SAPKNA7015 |
WEBCUIF | 700 | 0002 | SAPK-70002INWEBCUIF |
SAP_APPL | 604 | 0002 | SAPKH60402 | Logistics and Accounting |
SAP_HR | 600 | 0029 | SAPKE60029 | Human Resources |
EA-IPPE | 404 | 0005 | SAPK-40405INEAIPPE | SAP iPPE |
EA-APPL | 604 | 0002 | SAPK-60402INEAAPPL | SAP Enterprise Extension PLM, SCM, Finan |
EA-DFPS | 600 | 0013 | SAPKGPDD13 | SAP Enterprise Extension Defense Forces & Public Security |
EA-FINSERV | 600 | 0013 | SAPKGPFD13 | SAP Enterprise Extension Financial Services |
DBM | 700 | 0002 | SAPK-70002INDBM | Dealer Business Management |
DMIS | 2006_1_700 | 0008 | SAPK-61708INDMIS | DMIS 2006_1_700 : Add-On Installation |
ECC-DIMP | 604 | 0002 | SAPK-60402INECCDIMP | DIMP |
ECC-SE | 604 | 0000 | - | ESA FAST TRACK (ERP) 2005 |