I've got the following situation:
My client, an OEM, uses (better "intends to use" as we're currently implementing the solution) SAP-WTY to handle warranty claims regarding their products.
As there are other organisations inside my clients organisation that use other SAP modules (e.g. CS) to document their activities related to those products, the warranty claims are not the only information that needs to be shown in the "history" of each engine.
The WTY-module itself offers a history-"tree" containing all WTY-Claims regarding a specific equipment, but, due to the situation above, does not contain the complete picture.
The SAP equipment transactions (e.g. ie03) offer a serial number history, which contains all relevant information BUT NOT the WTY-history. Even worse, as far as I know, there's no way to add this information via customizing.
What I need:
Our preferred solution would be the serial number history, "enriched" with the WTY-claims.
How could we do this?
Many thanks in advance!