We have just upgraded from SAP 4.7 to ECC6.0 and are having some issues realting to Warranty claims, whereby certain data dictionary references and methods etc seem to have been removed.
Examples are as follows:-
Certain table type references that have been removed from type groups e.g.
pwty_pawty_li_tab and pwty_posvid_tab which have been removed from type group PWTY. We have some 'Z' programs that refer to this type group and as a result are not compiling.
There are also methods that have been deleted e.g. cl_ppeliwty_cntl=>delete_gt_changed_item. We have some 'Z' programs that refer to this method and as a result the claim programs are not compiling.
During the upgrade to ECC6.0, the Switch framework only switched on 'Discrete Industries / Mill Product' - DIMP_SDUD. There are many others that are not activated.
My question is whether there are other switches within the 'Discrete Industries / Mill Product' that may need to be turned on in order for some functionality to become activate.
If not, has anyone come across this problem before?
Many thanks,