Hello all,
I am trying to integrate additional FI posting during billing process.
I put additional line in /DBM/OE_DOCFLOW for my action
BKPF 003 /DBM/SPLHDR_COM DOCNUM DOCYEAR FB03 Reposted Cost during Billing. And I successfully added the document on Split Header level with corresponding customizing and
The following code
MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_curr_split_hdr> TO ls_head_detail. ls_head_detail-docnum = mv_obj_key(10). ls_head_detail-docyear = mv_obj_key+14(4). APPEND ls_head_detail TO io_order->mt_splhdr_detail. io_order->splhdr_change( ). * io_order->split_change( ). io_order->mo_docflow->create( EXPORTING iv_borobj = 'BKPF' iv_seqno = '003' io_order = io_order IMPORTING et_return = lt_return ).
So my question is:
Is there a way to put the document under Billing Document like a next level?
I try to do it on split item level like Billing Document is put but the link is not shown at All.
I probably miss something so any help is appreciated!
Edited by: Ognian Kalaydjiev on Sep 25, 2010 4:07 PM
Edited by: Ognian Kalaydjiev on Sep 25, 2010 4:14 PM