Hello SAP community. I am a newbie and I am looking for direction on a strategy for Outbound Processing I would like to implement with our distribution function.
Current State:
1) Manually count product for what we may have available for a shipment
2) Create deliveries
2) "Pick' the product based on our talley sheet
3) Print labels and apply them to a pallet as a "double" check
4) Create the shipment
5) "Pack" the shipment if needed
6) Print BOL and packing list
7) Give to material handlers to deposit the shipment on the truck
Currently using IM but looking at implementing WM
Make to Order Environment
Also must build and load to sequence for some customers
Do not currently scan, but want to implement
I would like for my future state to look something like this:
1) View an allocation screen for sales orders when allocation reaches 'x' % we release a pick ticket of combined line items that would be our future shipment
2) Pick ticket is released and material handler scans material from a bin location so that total qty matches qty needed
3) Once the pick ticket is "picked to completion" the pick list can be closed
a) If total qty picked does not match qty needed then descrepancy must be resolved (not sure which path to take for resolution)
4)Finalize the shipment (i.e.close) PGI, etc
Please let me know if this is understandable. Or if more information is needed? Apologies for my ignorance of some of the SAP terminlogy.